The ergonomically designed maniform grip is a unique handle available to be fitted to all classes of fly fishing rods. When placed alongside the traditional full well and half well grip, it appears alien to the traditional concept of a fly rod grip however over the past 20 or so years that it has been available, there have been many converts to the benefits of having this unique grip fitted to your rod. Some of the many benefits are listed here.
- It offers unrivalled comfort for day-long casting and fishing
- Improved directional control of casting
- A balanced grip that evens-out strain on the tendons of the forearm, reducing the likelihood of sustaining repetitive strain injuries such as ‘tennis elbow’
One of the most common phrases I have heard used by those using the maniform grip is that ‘it has stopped my wrist breaking on the back cast’ or if put more clearly, the angler has been able to positively lock their wrist in the casting action of a fly rod. Others have suggested it has enabled them to continue with their fly fishing following injury to the hand, wrist or arm. Where the more traditional fly rod grip has been unsuccessful the maniform grip ‘comes into its own’.
The maniform grip is optional on a custom built rod and can also be retro fitted to virtually all types of fly fishing rods. It is available in two sizes, standard for the angler with large hands and 7/8th for those with smaller hands. For the salt water fly fisherman a specialist flocked version which is durable and excellent at shedding salt water is also available.
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